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gw2 money gw2 gold

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1gw2 money gw2 gold  Empty gw2 money gw2 gold Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:26 am



Genesis West Genesis West NetEase treated as the Genesis West (Related topics: why the Journey theme online games eternity?) the Genesis West
Sina game professional evaluation group game in Genesis West by 7.6 points. Game player base in response to it? Xiaobian specially interviewed a large settled Genesis West Association the Creation the Journey
interview Triumph Empire Association management Triumph floral patterns, is a crush the head of. Genesis West
Tracy: Will your guild when settled in this online game, how many players, what scale.
Triumph floral patterns: open test on the 20th day of staff about 200 people! This afternoon, more than 150 in the number of online night also. Association of servers within a relatively large Association. Association closed beta period would have been settled in the game, some of the managers are more familiar with the game, can play a role in guiding novice players quickly upgrade and enhancement.
Tracy: The game within the Association or gang set? Association play in the game what kind of role, you will organize what activities?

Triumph floral patterns: currently still in beta, some features may follow-up will open the gang set within the game, but the need to reach a certain conditions before they can be established, we have reached. Gangs in the game follows a lot of can be used to help Gong practitioners gang skills.
Xiaobian: Before you played other Journey theme online games? G

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